3 Shoots in the Bay : : Preview

This past weekend I went back to my hometown to take a few shots of some friends and family. I love the bay area so much. The food, the lighting, the food, the architecture, the food, the diversity, the food, the city, the food and did I mention the food. My mom and I started off on Friday by getting some Korean Tofu soup followed by hot Taro Boba. On Saturday we went up to the City to do a couple shoots. Then later that night we rewarded ourselves from a long day with some delicious Dim Sum. On Sunday morning I was awoken by the sweet smell of my mom’s cooking as she loaded up my trunk with a grip of pancit, adobo and her ever so favorite lemon chicken that would last a normal family of 4 a good month or so. But the Ang’s of Bakersfield will finish that up in a few days.

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