Deep Thoughts by Patrick Ang

So this is like the first weekend I didn’t shoot a wedding. Well, not really I assisted my homey Curtis Nemetz shoot video in Yosemite this weekend. Check out the highlights here. Am I a videographer now? Na, but it is tempting. It is a lot of fun and a different perspective. Very very tempting. We’ll see.

Annnyyywayysss, I hardly ever write on my blog and since I don’t really have anything to edit this week I thought, “Hey, why don’t I write something.” I dink I don’t right much on my blog cause I mizpell hella words and dunt say things write. But whatevs with a capital W. Let’s hope my October clients don’t read this and second guess who they hired to shoot their wedding. My mom will most likely call me in the morning and say, “Anak, why did you write this on your blog?”

Ok so here it goes, Jerry Mcguire moment. Deep thoughts. Hmmm…. Why do feet smell and noses run? Ok no really, deep thoughts. I guess I’ll reflect on this past year. Reflection is usually towards the end of the year but its nice to always stop and just breathe a little. This year has been truly amazing. I have been blessed with so many opportunities and have been fortunate to work with some amazing people. I Love, with a capital L, what I do and am beyond grateful for the time I get to spend with my daughter throughout the week.

Ok, strengths and weaknesses. As a formal supervisor we say opportunities, not weaknesses. Anyways, I think my strengths have been my connection with my clients. I do take a risk sometimes and drop a lot of sarcasm but it has been working out of me. Thank you Ben Stiller for Blue Steel. Always a favorite for groomsmen shots. Opportunities…. Is this going to hurt me to admit on my blog? I think inconsistency is my opportunity. I always want to try something new and go back and forth from what I use to do to what I want to do to what I think I should do to what other people do. Off camera flash, light shows, video, groomsmen peeing shot, etc… It has, however, helped me understand different techniques and know my camera inside out. My biggest advice to photographers out there, shoot video. Videographers are gonna hate me for saying that. Your focus, exposure, white balance and just your understanding of your camera will improve soooo much.

Ok, favorite part of weddings. Meals. Ha, no my favorite part of the wedding, for the past 16 months, has been the father daughter dance. I keep imagining someday that will be me and my daughter. So emotional to see the over protective, macho Dad that you least expect to shed a tear, ballin as he sees his little princess all grown up faster than he wanted her to. Ok, need to take a brief break, wake up my daughter and hold her now.

So what’s in store for the future. Well, I always want to take it to the next level and exceed my own expectations. But honestly, I don’t want any more than what I have. I’m not rollin with some 20s and have plasmas in my sock drawer, but I do have a swagger wagon and love it. Yeah, that’s right, I’m proud to have a minivan. Anyways, I love where I am at in my life. This has been a crazy year and maybe fewer weddings might be nice. But I wouldn’t trade anything for what I have and thank the Lord everyday for the blessings he has given me.

Ok so that wasn’t too painful. Should I write more on my blog posts?


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  • JenWSeptember 9, 2010 - 12:31 am

    well… that was a lot to take in, maybe you should keep some things to yourself. Totally joking! I enjoyed reading it. In fact, I would never describe you as inconsistent. I would very much say you are solid as a rock, and just decide to get creative in a different way every time.

  • adminSeptember 9, 2010 - 1:03 am

    Thanks Jen

  • Jessica FreySeptember 9, 2010 - 8:24 am

    Nice! Way to step out of the box and right I mean write on your blog 🙂 I’m digging it, and congrats on such a great year, you totally deserve it ninja!

  • Curtis NemetzSeptember 9, 2010 - 9:00 am

    Thanks for the thoughts. I enjoyed reading that and I think it’s great to take time now and then to stop and reflect on your art.
    As a videographer, I’m not mad you said that. I think videographers should take pictures. It helps to see one frame and take note of the way you frame your subjects.
    Keep it real homey… with a capital H.

  • Andrew SkeltonSeptember 9, 2010 - 11:44 pm

    I’m really proud of you man… for coming out as a minivan driving soccer mom… jk. Seriously though, I think you hit some great points in this, we do need to stop and think about what we do. Examining the good and bad will help us to continue growing as people and wedding vendors. The rest of us should do this from time to time. I agree with Jen, I think you are very consistent, if anything your work has gotten more solid and improved significantly since I first met you. Keep writing, it was good, and I especially liked the subtle humor infused throughout. Stay blessed, and cheers to another awesome year!

  • BradcordovaSeptember 17, 2010 - 8:24 am

    Patrick, I came to your site for rice and I got it. Also yea I agree with what the other people were saying…. but not that Curtis guy…JK. I always dig me some writing.