To Grandma, from Sophie

Dear Grandma,

Mama and Papa are sleeping right now, so I decided to go on Papa’s computer to write you a letter. I used my potty bowl to climb up to Papa’s chair and turned on his computer. I figured out his password by developing an algorithm of his key strokes and the number of times he types as he logs into his computer. I hacked into his blog and created this post because I know you look at his blog every morning. I had so much fun this past week with you and I want you to come back and live with us. I miss all the food you cooked for me and frankly, I’m getting sick of Papa’s spaghetti that he makes every single day. I miss seeing you in the morning and playing with me all day. I miss you pushing my stroller on the trail as I fall asleep listening to you gossip with Papa. I miss you combing my hair into perfect pigtails that Papa has yet to achieve. I miss you laughing so hard after you teach me a new word. But most of all, I miss how happy you make Papa when you are here. He really misses you and he was very sad to see you leave. After you drove off, he looked at the street for a little while. I’m not sure why, but I think he was hoping that you would come back. Please come back soon Grandma. We miss you so much.

I went on Papa’s facebook and wrote on Marsha and Bryan’s wall to see if they could give me some pictures they took of us this weekend. I posted a few pictures for now. Please come back soon. I miss you so much.


P.S. Please tell Tito Mon and Tita Andrew to get Call of Duty so Papa can play with them online.
Please tell Tita Hazel thank you for getting me a table that I can sit on and draw.
Please tell Tita Marie thank you for playing with Honey and Andy. They get neglected sometimes because I want Papa’s attention all the time.
And please tell Tita Stephanie thank you for getting Papa a birthday cake. I think he forgot it was his Birthday coming up and I don’t think he even knows he’s turning 30.

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  • JoseFebruary 2, 2011 - 3:32 pm

    great post Sophie