Sophia at 5 months

For those of you just joining us, this is the other love of my life. Sophia Grace Ang. The other love of my life is my wife, NOT my camera (well maybe a little). Sophia recently turned 5 months and boy has she grown. Just to think that not too long ago, Christine and I celebrated our union in marriage. It was a beautiful day and we thought it was the best day of our lives. Little did we know that a year later, the Lord would bless us with this beautiful child. Now the best day of our lives is the current moment. That is, until tomorrow when we hear Sophie talk to herself amidst her laughs and giggles. Christine and I often look at each other in bed and think that aside from the baby babble that we hear, it might actually mean, “Mommy!! Daddy!! I’m awake now. Come get me cause I have a present for you and my bottom lip tastes so good.” Sure its been hard and we haven’t had a consistent nap in 14 months, but when we hold her and look into her little cute eyes, all the work and sacrifices we’ve made for her seem miniscule.

This last month has been so amazing. Sophia has started to laugh and talk. She mostly talks to herself right when she wakes up. We are anxiously waiting for her first words. Since Christine started working recently, I bottle feed her during her lunch time. At first it was difficult, but now, she pounds that bottle like no other. In about a month she will be eating solid foods and starting swim lessons. We hope that by getting her used to the water at 6 months she will be less fearful of swimming when she grows up. Halloween is also just around the corner. We have been looking online for really cute baby costumes and I think this year, she will be sporting a very cute turtle costume.

Stay tuned for more updates of Sophia. If you want to see more pictures of her, I created a gallery that I try to update frequenty for my mom who lives 4 hours away. You can click here or click on links above under Miss Sophia.

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